Our bot utilizes proprietary artificial intelligence that has been tested and proven across multiple markets. It has been improved upon over 3 years in real trading situations
Trailing stop loss is an advanced alternative to stop loss. However, this is not offered by default in most exchanges. Our bot is equipped with the function which helps maximize profit and minimize losses.
We collect many data points from the market continuously such as order book prices, volume and trades across multiple exchanges and multiple cryptocurrency pairs.
Our bot does thousands of simulation with actual
historical data in order to compare effectiveness of
each strategy and do necessary refinement.
Our library of indicators allow us to concoct formulas with high accuracy prediction. From simple strategies such as moving averages to complicated ones, our bot has access to use and receive signals from these indicators.
Our bot is also equipped with machine learning
capabilities and can analyze data to obsereve
repeatable and predictable patterns.
With our hardware set up and software optimization, we achieve very low latency execution with no delay. This is especially important in a fast moving market like Cryptocurrency.
Still in testing stage but soon to launch, Sentiment
Al is a feature that will scan the internet for news
and make a prediction on the market sentiment.